List of subjects for 18 years and older adults in Creators Vedic Academy

Note: Consciousness development paradigm provides basic education according to ability and age of students.:

1. Consciousness Development - Science of Creative Intelligence and TM

2. Science of Life/Natural Health, Ayurveda, folk medicine, quantum medicine…

3. Science of Economy of Nature: the eco-economy of the family and community, people centered…

4. Science of Building Healthy Household - vastu, natural materials…

5. Science of Growing Healthy Food - Vedic agriculture, biodynamics, permaculture, regenerative…

6. Science of Food processing and Preparation, according to the neuro-physiological body types of people, main dishes, soups, salads, cold cuts, sweets... fresh/raw food, energy from the sun and air…

7. Science of Family Harmony, choosing and preparing a spouse, home birth, upbringing, education…

8. Laboratory work/research in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Electronics, Agriculture..

9. Preparation of natural herbal and mineral preparations, salves, tonics, personal and home hygiene products…

10. Artistic expression - painting, dancing, sculpting, singing, instrument playing, poetry…

11. Sports activities - daily exercises and basic of healthy sport performance…

12. Awareness and basics of scientific thinking, methodology of scientific research and work…

13. Social sciences - communication, design and organization of the community system.

14. Protection of family and community - fighting skills, energy

15. Crafts: Sewing clothes, furniture making, painting, weaving, carpentry...and other

16. Computer science for the new era - humane application of programming and robotics…

17. Design and repair of machines and means of from nature…

18. Design, organization and establishment of clean communities/Eco-settlements

19. Program for inventors, children of high cognitive level in various fields

20. Constitution of the universe (code of nature/legal system) paradigm of consciousness in 21st cen.

21. Basics of renewed history, geography, mathematics, language, physics, chemistry, biology...

*Teachers and students can modify the subjects from the list as needed