Each student after the first of second year has option to specialize in one of ten areas, by joining one of ten departments / Schools of Creators Vedic Academy

Each school provides knowledge, experience and skills needed to master a profession that you may chose to specialize after the first or second year of studies on the university level.

  1. General Education -History, Biology, languages, Mathematics, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, etc.

  2. Electronics/Computers/Programming, Quantum devices, etc.

  3. Engineering -Mechanic, Construction & Repair, Agriculture, Building homes, communities…

  4. Science & Research Labs (Electronics, Chemistry/Biology life preservation, Physics/Energy, Organic/Regenerative Vedic Agriculture, methods, products and equipment…

  5. Outdoor activities/Sports - hiking, climbing, surfing, skiing, tennis, basketball, swimming, martial arts…

  6. Arts - painting, singing, dancing, sculpting, poetry/writing, playing musical instruments, etc

  7. Economy of Nature -value creation, planning, organization & management, products and services, exchange in a network of communities...Economy for humans.

  8. Social Sciences- Vedic Family home upbringing and education, psychology, communication, speaking, writing, negotiation, diplomacy…

  9. Natural Health -Ayurveda: partner selection, pregnancy, home delivery, routines for maintaining health, detox, herbal and mineral preparations...quantum & traditional medicine.

  10. Personal Development-Self Realization- techniques for the development of our full genetic/mental potential include Science of Creative Intelligence, Transcendental Medication (TM) and TM Sidhi program, Asanas, Pranayam and more. The programs provide objective and measurable results of personal growth.

NOTE:Mentioned departments include Vedic mathematics, agriculture, architecture, music, sports/martial arts,, health and other Vedic programs.