Holistic Development of Our Full Genetic Potential
Education for New Milenium
Wisdom and Enlightenment
It is not a new method of Education but a New PARADIGM?
Each of us contributes to the creation of our common EXPERIENCE OF LIFE on Earth.
By producing certain quality of thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions we support constructive or destructive forces…
We accepted our responsibility and decided to use top scientific discoveries and ancient Vedic wisdom of Golden Age to create a brighter future for all.
This is how Maharishi Mahesh Yogi planted the seed long time ago and NOW the Vedic Creative Academy is born......*The word "Veda/Vedic" denotes the eternal knowledge—the intelligence of the whole universe.
Our focus is not on memorizing textbooks but instead on the development of Consciousness.
We prioritize development of coherent brain functions it is education that uses quantum functions of the Unified Field of all the Lows of Nature, which might be hard to imagine, but it forms the foundation of a brighter future for all in this third millenium.
Obstacles to development of our full potential are many, minly in the form of toxic polution: chemical, electromagnetic, social... if we succide to develop our real potential then humans are superior to robots and AI.
Remember, you and I have the potential to create our future.
Reality is - we are creators, not followers.
Here is the Catch:
Each of us contributes to the creation of Global Consciousness—our common EXPERIENCE OF LIFE on Earth—by producing a certain quality/frequency of:
The quality we radiate either supports the growth of constructive or supports the growth of destructive forces.
The summ of energies defines the quality of global consciousness on Earth.
Just rimember what is your mental state most of the working day, how many hours of wories, anhiety,... and how many minutes of joy.
So, the decision is yours!!! Chose your path and experience you wish to cultivate in your life.
We, the Green Family and our supporters, have accepted our responsibility and decided to use top scientific discoveries and ancient Vedic* wisdom of the Golden Age to create a brighter future for all.
This is how Maharishi Mahesh Yogi planted the seed long time ago, and the Creators Vedic Academy was born now to benefit our children and future generations.
*The word "Veda/Vedic" denotes the eternal knowledge—the intelligence of the whole universe.
Main Features of Creators Vedic Academy
#1. Holistic Development of full genetic/mental personal potential—ENLIGHTENMENT.
#2. We regenerate our Neuro-Physiology, creating new synaptic pathways as a foundation for expanding our neural plasticity, i.e., the experience of expanding consciousness.
This is the crucial physiological difference.
Old paradigm (information accumulation) vs. New paradigm (growth of consciousness):
Black & White photo vs. Full-color video
Reading about an apple vs. Experience of eating an apple
"We write our books instead of memorizing the experiences of other writers."
#3. Fully Flexible & Fully Structured
You can start and complete your studies anytime, anywhere (online). Then, you attend Summer Live Camps to test your discipline and abilities. Afterward, you may be accepted as a full-time student.
#4. You design your development path: choose your specialization, pace, group of friends, and teachers, to fulfill your purpose and the mission of your family/genetic lineage.
#5. Your development starts by:
regenerating and detoxing physical, mental, and emotional toxins and traumas.
Then, you strengthen yourself through sports, arts, and personal development techniques.
Then do we introduce general knowledge in the new light of understanding classical disciplines—not as followers, but as those who experience and live the knowledge of Nature.
Afterward, you choose your profession, i.e., how you are going to express yourself and create value for your family and community.
This Academy has been primarily developed for children with higher-than-average cognitive abilities who do not get apropriate education in current educational system, and also for all who search for more complete education.
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